About me

Self worth is a lifestyle not a luxury
‘This is me.’
Three simple words that have the ability to convey courage, honesty and self-love.
It’s difficult to imagine how life could be different when every moment is filled with self-doubt; your dreams paralysed by fears.
But what if you could challenge your perception of truth around self-belief?
What if you were to stop gazing through the window yearning for something to change, and instead embrace life’s beautiful adventure, right here, today?
How might that feel?

Hi, I’m Nicola, a certified life coach with a passion for helping people to overcome self-doubt, connect with their true values, channel their inner confidence and feel happy in their skin.
I know how it feels to acknowledge, and say, ‘I’m not enough’. When that moment came, I felt as if my chest had been ripped open and my heart exposed. I felt vulnerable and scared.
Back in 2014 I was the epitome of ‘I am not enough’ syndrome. I danced daily with the comparison gremlin, hid in the background dressed head to toe in black and lay awake at night wondering when things would change.
My big a-ha moment came when I finally realised I had a choice
I was ready to break free from self-doubt and to confront my own perception of truth around self-belief. It was terrifying, yet exciting. I was finally free to bring wild adventure, limitless joy and purposeful passion into my life.
But before I could complete my butterfly metamorphosis, I had some serious work to do.
Supported by professional coaches and delving deep into my own life coaching study, I visited those dark, scary places that illuminate the answers within. Slowly peeling back the layers, one by one. It was around this time I came across the word ‘enkindle’ - which means to make luminous and glowing. I knew that this was the feeling I wanted to share as a life coach; to help people to see their own brilliance and to reflect that back out into the world.
From that moment, Enkindle Life Coaching was born.
You can read about my story to self worth and becoming 'Happy in my skin' in Happiful Magazine which was published in March 2019.

‘Nicola helped me break out of my shell and become more confident in myself, which has had so many positive implications in my life. She helped me stand up to my saboteurs and realise that I'm awesome. She helped me learn to put myself first, because I was putting everyone else's needs before my own and being a people pleaser. Nicola is always very understanding and will point out and recognise the great things within yourself, even when you yourself don't see it. So thank you Nicola, I will always be grateful for your coaching :)!’ Chris
"YOU must do the thing you cannot do"
Eleanor Roosevelt
What is Enkindle Life Coaching all about?
Enkindle Life Coaching is a wonderful combination of professional training, experience and natural, intuitive gifts which allow me to piece together a complete and honest picture of my clients’ thoughts, emotions, fears and goals. I’m able to feel a presence and connection that enables me to delve beyond the words to see the deeper picture so I can help clients unlock their potential and expand their possibilities. I feel so privileged to be able to work in such a profound, intimate space, helping people to increase their self-worth and confidence.
I believe that comparison is the thief of joy…
Now is the time for you to stand proud as the best version of you. To celebrate who you are at a core level and to enjoy your own journey of success.
When you model your values on a daily basis, people will be drawn to you - which will bring about all kinds of harmonious relationships, collaborations, connections and opportunities.

A few years ago, I’d never have even considered asking myself this question. And yet, today I actively find ways to step up and be brave; to share who I am in its fullest glory so that other people (maybe just like you) can feel it’s ok if they shine a little brighter too.
If you currently feel…
• Lacking in confidence in your personal or corporate life
• Stressed and anxious about giving presentations, or speaking your truth
• Like you’re ‘not enough’ or suffer with imposter syndrome
• That your self-worth is at rock-bottom or could do with a serious boost
• Excited about a specific goal but unsure if you’re on the right path
• Or, scared, nervous or apprehensive about making changes in your life (it’s normal, trust me)
‘What’s the bravest thing I can do today?’​
... then it’s time to take a step back and ask ‘what really lights me up?’ or, ‘what do I want to do about these feelings?’.
Are you ready to free yourself from the past and move forward with trust in your heart and fire in your belly?
Then click here to find out more about the different ways we can work together.
The professional bio...
I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), engaging public speaker, corporate trainer, retreat leader and emotional health writer who supports individuals, groups and teams to boost self-confidence and resilience, and to feel empowered and more connected to their true values.
With over 20 years’ experience in helping individuals focus on their development both professionally and personally, my passion is in supporting individuals to really stand in their own spotlight and connect with who they really are and what they really want. I have worked in the NHS, predominantly supporting staff development for over 25 years. I write regularly for Thrive Global and other mediums on self care, well being and authenticity – three of my top values. I am an advocate for putting yourself first. So often in life we look after everybody else and do things to please others – what would it be like to focus your energy on you and what you would like?
In July 2017 I found out I had been shortlisted as a finalist for an 'Exceptional Service Award' for my work in my local and online community for my work in promoting happiness and wellbeing.
In October 2018 I was announced as a finalist in the Hampshire Women's Business Awards for my work with self worth and resilience in my online and local community and in recognition of my own journey to overcoming self doubt.
You can find out more about my coaching journey and starting Enkindle in my story 'Illuminating the path of possibilities' which was published by the Story Exchange in May 2017.
Having read this section, if you like the feel of Enkindle and how I work as coach then please do get in touch. I would love to offer you a free taster session to see if we are a good match to work with.
When I'm not working, you’ll find me following my own advice - journalling about gratitude (something I call my daily ‘ta-dah’ list), relaxing in meditation, or taking time out by the sea, or walking up fells in the Lake District with my husband and trusted companion Marley, a lively cocker spaniel.
What coach training have I completed?
I am accredited through the Intentional Coaching Federation (ICF). Achieving credentials through ICF signifies a coach’s commitment to integrity, understanding and mastery of coaching skills and dedication to clients. Reaching PCC status is a fantastic milestone which demonstrates I have completed over 500 coaching hours as well as completing another 3 hour exam about ethics!.
I initially completed my training programme and then certified as a Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) which I completed through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). This training programme is known internationally within the profession as the most rigorous and respected. It is also one of the few coach training schools to be accredited by the International Coaches Federation (ICF). This means that I completed over 200 hours training and coached over 100 hours of coaching with clients before becoming certified. More information about my professional career can be found by visiting my LinkedIn page.
I am also an accredited Affina Team Journey Coach having completed my training in 2019 - 2020. I find working with teams especially rewarding helping them create an effective and supportive team working environment.